Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sesame Baked Chicken Wings

Source: http://www.tasteofhome.com

Serves 6-8 as part of a shared meal

Chicken wing, ~1 kg

Light soy sauce, 8 tbsp (or ~½ cup)
Water, 5 tbsp + 1 tsp (or ~1/3 cup)
Sugar, 4 tbsp (or ~¼ cup)
Sesame oil*, 2 tbsp
Spring onion, sliced, 4 stalks
Onion, medium size, sliced, ½ unit
Garlic, peeled & minced, 2 cloves
White sesame seed, roasted, 1-2 tbsp
Pepper, a dash

* Can substitute with olive oil

1. Prepare marinade.  Roast sesame seed in oil free pan.  It is ready for use once 3rd sesame seed "jumps" in heated pan.  Mix all marinating ingredients well.

2. Clean chicken wings and cut each wing into 3 individual parts: tip, wingette & drumlet.  Add parts to marinade and coat well.  Cover well and keep in refrigerator for 2-3 hrs or overnight.

3. Preheat oven at 175 degC.  Place chicken on shallow rack baking pan and bake uncovered for 30 mins.  Turn over and bake for 20 mins or longer till tender.

1. Serves with steamed rice.


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